Your First Dental Visit

At Amelia Perfect Smile, our goal for your first appointment is simple – we want to leave you feeling comfortable, well cared for, and confident about the future of your smile!

Our team will sit down with you and ask about your health history and your individual needs before performing a truly comprehensive exam of your overall oral health. If our findings show that further treatment as needed, we’ll sit down with you again after the exam to discuss our recommendations and any other concerns you may have. We want you to know everything you need to know about scheduling, finances, and more before you commit to future procedures.  After we’ve gotten your next appointment booked and wrapped up any remaining payment concerns, you’ll be on your way again. That’s all there is to it!

Patient Forms

To assist in providing a convenient first visit, online paperwork is provided for you to fill out from the comfort of your own home!

Option 1 - Fill out forms Online (Recommended)

You can choose to fill out the Registration forms online.

Option 2 - Download Forms

To download our new patient registration forms, select the item below.

Low Rates!
Care Credit

Financing is Available

If you don’t have dental insurance…We can help! We partner with CareCredit, which can offer low-interest, flexible payment plans that can be stretched out over months – whatever works best for your budget. These plans can be used for all dental services, even cosmetic treatments that insurance doesn’t cover.

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New Patients