About This Procedure

Laser teeth whitening is a bleaching procedure done in our office. It’s different from other teeth whitening methods, as the procedure involves a bleaching gel and laser. Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It’s also known as laser teeth bleaching.

Procedure Details

  • Procedure: Laser Teeth Whitening
  • Purpose: Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It’s also known as laser teeth bleaching.
  • Procedure Type: Cosmetic Procedures

Laser Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a bleaching procedure done in our office. It’s different from other teeth whitening methods, as the procedure involves a bleaching gel and laser. Laser teeth whitening is a procedure designed to brighten your teeth. It’s also known as laser teeth bleaching.

During the procedure, a bleaching gel is carefully applied to your teeth. A laser is then directed onto your teeth, which heats up the gel. This activates its whitening properties and alters stain molecules on the teeth. The goal of laser teeth whitening is to reduce discoloration and make your teeth look whiter.

Tooth discoloration can happen for many reasons, including:

  • consuming certain foods and drinks, like coffee and tea
  • using tobacco
  • aging
  • injury to the mouth
  • certain medications, like antihistamines and chemotherapy

How does laser teeth whitening work?

Laser teeth whitening must be done in our office. The bleaching procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on your needs, the exact steps may vary. Here’s what a typical treatment involves:

  • One of our trained specialists will place a rubber or plastic prop in your mouth to help keep it open.
  • Next, you’ll have you wear protective glasses to protect your eyes.
  • The Specialist will also add a gum barrier to protect your gums. The barrier may be a light-cured resin material.
  • Then they apply a bleaching gel to your front teeth.
  • After a few minutes, our specialist directs a laser onto your teeth. The laser heats the bleaching gel, which activates its whitening properties.
  • Then they will remove the gum barrier and rinse out the bleaching gel.
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If you don’t have dental insurance…We can help! We partner with CareCredit, which can offer low-interest, flexible payment plans that can be stretched out over months – whatever works best for your budget. These plans can be used for all dental services, even cosmetic treatments that insurance doesn’t cover.

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How long does it last?

Laser teeth whitening can effectively reduce teeth discoloration. This procedure uses stronger chemicals than those available in at-home whitening treatments. As a result, laser teeth whitening is more effective and yields faster results than home treatments like daily whitening strips or whitening toothpaste The whitening effects are temporary and may last between a few months to 3 years.

Your results and how long they last will depend on several factors, including:

  • the original color of your teeth
  • the frequency of treatments
  • your lifestyle habits
  • the bleaching gel and lasers used
  • For best results, you’ll likely need three or four sessions in total.

Making changes to the following habits may also help maintain your results:

  • limiting or avoiding tobacco use, including cigarettes
  • limiting or avoiding foods and drinks that stain teeth, like coffee or red wine
  • reducing the risk of mouth trauma, which can increase stains

The bottom line

Laser teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure. It uses bleaching gel and lasers to reduce discoloration on teeth. This can make your teeth look brighter and whiter. Compared with at-home treatments like whitening strips, laser teeth bleaching is more effective.


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