Preventative Care

At Amelia Perfect Smile, our preventative care services protect your teeth from issues that may arise over time. There are a variety of steps that reduce the risks of needing restorative care.

Dental Sealants  

Prevention is the best type of treatment. Dental sealants prevent food and bacteria from getting into your teeth’ little nooks and crannies. A dental sealant is a paste or gel formed from state-of-the-art dental materials. One of our preventative care specialists applies sealant to your tooth. It hardens to create a strong coat over your tooth

Root Canal Therapy  

Contrary to popular belief, a root canal procedure doesn’t hurt at all. The root cause of tooth pain is an infection. The purpose of root canal therapy is to eliminate that pain. We take extra care to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free during a root canal treatment. With decades of experience, we know how to comfort even the most anxious patients and make the entire process as simple as possible.

Oral Cancer Screening

Our preventative care dental examination includes an oral cancer screening that is quick, thorough, and painless. It involves an examination of the following areas:

  • Back of your throat
  • Tongue
  • The floor of your mouth
  • The roof of your mouth
  • Face
  • Jaw
  • Neck
  • Lips

If our specialist finds something unusual, you may be referred to another office for further testing or re-examined later to see if there have been any changes.

Low Rates!
Care Credit

Financing is Available

If you don’t have dental insurance…We can help! We partner with CareCredit, which can offer low-interest, flexible payment plans that can be stretched out over months – whatever works best for your budget. These plans can be used for all dental services, even cosmetic treatments that insurance doesn’t cover.

More Information

Why Preventative Care?

Along with at-home treatments, it is essential to visit your dentist regularly. Even if you pay the utmost care and attention, there is no substitute for the knowledge and experience of our dental professionals. After well over 30 years in dentistry, We have developed a keen sense for recognizing symptoms and warning signs that may turn into issues later. It is not uncommon for our team of highly skilled professionals to notice a problem that you may not have detected.

We take pride in providing our patients with all the facts. We believe that education is the best way to prevent issues down the line. With your options in front of you, you can decide what you want to do to achieve your desired results. Though the choice is yours to make, you are not alone! We will answer any questions and educate you on the potential pros and cons of your options.


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