About This Procedure

An Amelia Perfect Smile makeover is a process of using one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve the aesthetic of your smile and your oral health. If you are feeling a bit self-conscious about your smile and you would like to undergo a teeth transformation, then the route of a dental makeover may be for you.

Procedure Details

  • Procedure: Smile Makeover
  • Purpose: Improve the appearance of teeth
  • Procedure Type: Cosmetic Procedures, Reconstruction

Smile Makeover

An Amelia Perfect Smile makeover is a process of using one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve the aesthetic of your smile and your oral health. If you are feeling a bit self-conscious about your smile and you would like to undergo a teeth transformation, then the route of a dental makeover may be for you.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover involves one of our cosmetic dentists creating and employing a treatment plan that involves several cosmetic dentistry procedures with the objective of improving the appearance of your smile.

A smile makeover can get you that Hollywood smile you’ve dreamed of. Over the years our teeth take a beating. With stomach acid, foods that stain our teeth, and accidents that cause unsightly cracks or chips in our natural teeth, it’s a miracle that anyone has a naturally perfect smile. Some of the more common procedures involved in a smile makeover are:

  • Teeth length
  • Teeth proportions
  • Teeth texture and characterization
  • Smile line

Other factors that go into consideration during your smile makeover include skin tone, facial appearance, hair color, tooth color, size, and shape, gum tissue, and lips. Our cosmetic dentists will act as smile gurus and recommend procedures to help ensure the treatment ends with the most natural-looking smile possible. This consultation is sometimes known as a smile design.

Smile correction types

Your tooth makeover will not be as simple as an at-home teeth whitening kit. Your treatment plan will be personalized for your smile needs. Your teeth may be shiny and white but have a poor appearance due to shape, so maybe you will require veneers but not teeth whitening. Popular types of corrections include:

  • Composite bonding for changing the shape and color during your teeth makeover.
  • Tooth implants to replace damaged and missing teeth.
  • Teeth whitening to help lighten the shade of your teeth.
  • Veneers

Another very common procedure for correcting smile imperfections is veneers. Veneers can be used to fix a wide range of aesthetic problems.

Dental veneers have no other purpose than cosmetic treatment, and a smile makeover is mostly about the appearance of the smile. Veneers are a ceramic overlay bonded to the surface of a cosmetically imperfect tooth. These veneers are exceptional in changing the appearance of your teeth.

Teeth that have been damaged by eating disorders, smoking, and breakage can be fixed by applying veneers. Our cosmetic dentist may be able to use them to fill in teeth gaps or fix chipped and broken teeth all while improving the coloring of your smile.

Tooth color

Teeth whitening can often be a cheaper solution to dental discoloration. Over time, teeth can become stained and dulled, and teeth whitening can improve the color of your teeth without the need to fully replace them with porcelain or composite veneers, composite bonding (read more in our bonding article here), or dental crowns. Silver or amalgam fillings can be completely replaced with composite fillings to remove the dark spots and smooth out the appearance of the teeth affected.

Bear in mind that your tooth color will convey different aesthetics. A darker tooth color will lend to an older, worn-out appearance while a whiter and brighter tooth color results in your new smile looking more youthful.

Alignment and spacing

There is no denying that a front tooth gap can be cute and playful, but maybe not so much when all the surrounding teeth are crooked and gappy as well. Your new smile may include the orthodontic process of realigning teeth using either traditional adult braces or invisible options.

Missing teeth

Missing teeth can cause problems with alignment. Our dentist may recommend dental crowns or veneers if the health of your original tooth is intact.

We will likely recommend dental implants, dental bridges, or partial false teeth if the tooth is missing or beyond saving. Crowns are the preferred step before implants if the tooth can still be saved. These treatment options are for unhealthy or missing teeth.

Cosmetic imperfections

An uneven or chipped tooth can be bonded by our cosmetic dentist to improve its appearance. Teeth filing is another way to achieve a uniform look. A cosmetic smile makeover would be incomplete without the proper dental treatment for broken teeth.

Facial appearance

As we age, our faces can lose their youthfulness. Aged or unsightly faces can be improved through oral maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics. The shape of your face can be impacted a lot by dental conditions. Malocclusion is an example of a dental problem that has cosmetic symptoms visible outside of the mouth.

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Care Credit

Financing is Available

If you don’t have dental insurance…We can help! We partner with CareCredit, which can offer low-interest, flexible payment plans that can be stretched out over months – whatever works best for your budget. These plans can be used for all dental services, even cosmetic treatments that insurance doesn’t cover.

More Information

Treatment plan

When you meet with our cosmetic dentists to talk about your new perfect smile, they will design a treatment plan to address each individual problem you face with your teeth and give you that proper Hollywood movie star smile. Each person and every smile is unique. A plan for one person could take as little as one appointment, while another person may take much longer.

Initial consultation

The first part of the treatment schedule is an initial consultation. During this appointment, our cosmetic dentist will perform a full assessment to determine the health of your teeth and to plan what sort of dentistry will be required to achieve the best smile. If any health concerns arise during this time they will need to be addressed before cosmetic treatment can begin.

In most cases, we can generate a preview of the expected “after” smile by using a variety of technologies. We may use one or more of the technologies to create a dental preview:

  • Dental imaging software
  • Dental composite bonding mockup
  • Dental study models
  • Before and after photos of other patients

The modern dental technology that we use is capable of showing the expected outcome of various aesthetic dental procedures. It is very likely that your teeth will look similar to this mockup image after all is said and done.

Dentistry procedures

Next, your dentist will schedule you to come in for all the procedures you need to be done to achieve your perfect smile. There is no such thing as a standard treatment or cost for a plan. Each individual will need to consult with our dentists about what their teeth need and what sort of dentistry will be required to achieve their perfect smile.

The timing of each dental event will depend on what needs to be done. It is possible to have dental implants done in a day, like All-on-4 implants, but not everyone is a viable candidate for this type of dental treatment. If you do not require implants or other involved procedures, then it is more likely you will walk out of our office in a day with a perfect smile.


After you complete all of your dental procedures and have achieved the perfect smile, you will need to maintain your new teeth. Our cosmetic dentists are the ultimate authority for all things regarding your teeth after your treatment and should be regarded as such. It is highly likely that your previous dental habits may have led to the need for a transformation to begin with so knowing how to change those habits is key.

Dental products

Many people brush their teeth with highly abrasive toothpaste and brushes. These can scratch the surface of veneers and other restorative dental work and decrease their lifespan. Flossing was important before your new smile and it’s essential now as well. Flossing will keep food debris and plaque off your teeth and help prevent damage.

Flossing is especially important for people with veneers because of the need to maintain great gum health. Mouthwash is another important product to consider, as alcohol in most brands is shown to have a negative impact on composite fillings.

Food and drink

An important thing to remember after you finish your dental work is that the new teeth in your mouth are not made of the same material as your natural teeth. Composite veneers are susceptible to staining so it is important to avoid foods such as coffee, tea, wine, or anything with a strong color—porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. It is also important to limit your consumption of sugar, your snacking between meals, and your alcohol intake.

Benefits of a smile makeover

The confidence that a good-looking smile can give someone is worth more than the actual procedure will cost you. Dental aesthetics affect self-esteem. If you are feeling that your smile is affecting your confidence then you can talk to us about a smile makeover.


Asking us to makeover your smile is the first step in creating a new confident you. No matter what it is that caused your teeth to be less than perfect, We have modern solutions to your smile problems. Call us to discover what you need in order to achieve the look you’ve been hoping for.


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